Hack digital sentry safe
Hack digital sentry safe


In case you have spoken to a representative, indicate the reference number. Ensure you indicate whether you are requesting “Combo” or “Combo and Keys” at the top of your form.A legal document showing proof of ownership, such as power of attorney, may also be required. It is done to prove ownership of the form and avoid giving access to the wrong person. One must print your form then fill in all personal details required in the form.


  • Select ‘Download Notary Form”, then click on “Open” and download the Lost Combination/Security Key Notarized” form.
  • Start by visiting “” Lost combination page.

    If you have not registered your security code on Sentry’s Site, here are the steps to follow. The combination will be provided as long as you enter the correct details.

  • Next, go ahead and click on “Recover Combination” to find your combination.
  • Provide usernames and passwords credentials to get registered combinations online.
  • First, you visit Sentry Recover Your Combination Website.
  • If you registered your security code with Sentry’s site, the process is easy. However, in this article, you will learn step by step how to. Resetting a sentry safe is not easy since they have complex systems. However, sometimes it reaches a point where you forget your combination code and may need to reset your safe. A safe comes with high-level security measures that protect valuables from all kinds of criminals. The most important part about safes is their security measures. They help you protect your values such as documents, money, passports, guns, jewelry, and much more.

    hack digital sentry safe

    Home Safes are important and popular for a reason. To open the safe that has no bypass lock, look under the key pad area, underneath, there should be a socket there like a phone connection, this is an override thing for hotels to use, so what you need to do is get an old phone cable, cut the cables on each end, you should have two cables on each end, now you will have to prise The phone socket part out from the safe as far as you canwithout completely disconnecting the entire unit, so get a 6v batt from alarm system, or you will have to buy one, join both bare cables to the batt, and then put one cable onto the phone socket that you prised out, have a good look up into the section, where you prised this socket out from and in around the key pad areayou should see other wire connections, so the second bare wire you will have to try to hit one of those connections, its trail and error, but if you have the right connection at the phone socket part, and you make the other connection with the right cable joint behind the keypad you should be getting the power to the door lock, remember its trail and error, you will have to do this a couple of times to make sure you are hitting the right connection, its works I just solved the same problem on my safe, i hope this helps you. i plan on mounting the safe in my wall behind a portrait. next step is to weld that hole shut, and probably reinforce the safe with more steel plates. thats when i really discovered how the red reset button and electronics worked. i proceeded to press buttons, and then the safe poped open.

    hack digital sentry safe

    there was also the battey case, i slide the panel off and took out the batteries and put them back in, hoping the safe would reset.

    hack digital sentry safe

    but there was were 2 wires plugging into the circuit board which went to the lock mechanism, by unpluggin and connecting those wires to +6V i would have been able to unlock the safe and the door swing open. not like i had an instruction manual, but if i did, i would have known to pressed the red button, punch in a new combo, and press A/B, then to open the safe, punch in that combo, press A/B and it would open so the electronics had a case around them, held in with 4 screws, i took them out, and jiggled the panel back enough to see what was inside, the panel couldnt be removed, becuase the lock bolts were holding it in. So looking into the hole, there was a red button, i pushed it, it beeped, but i didnt know what i was supposed to do.

    Hack digital sentry safe